6:15 PM Shared Charcuterie Dinner, Multipurpose Room of FLC.
Please bring a "Charcuterie" item to share: Meat, Cheese, Crackers, Veggie, Fruit, etc. or dessert
7:00 PM Making Room to Receive: The Lord's Day
4:30 PM Sunday Mass
6:15 PM Tacos, Tamales & Sweet Bread: Dinner in the Multipurpose Room of FLC.
$12.00 Suggested Donation per person. Please RSVP here.
7:00 PM Eve of the Immaculate Conception: Receive like Mary: Our Personal FIAT
In the Church, with Eucharistic Adoration and Music by Nic Guiterrez.
Childcare available for ages PreK and K: Reserve Childcare Here.