Our St. Francis of Assisi children are welcomed to our Sunday liturgy each week with a children’s bulletin which reinforces the Gospel readings and the week’s Feast days and saints with games and puzzles. In addition, the second Sunday of every month is “Backpack Sunday,” featuring a children’s homily at our Sunday 1:00 PM and 4:30 PM Masses. On Backpack Sundays, each child will receive a surprise from our SFA backpack.
It has been well-received by the children who seem eager to come to the front of the sanctuary to participate in the celebration. We are hoping, with your help, to maintain this level of enthusiasm with your children so that they will be excited about coming to Mass every Sunday, especially when we offer them their own homily.
In addition, we have also started passing out “Children’s Bulletins” every Sunday which will help to reinforce the Gospel message.
And finally, we now have the “Children’s Bottle” available for your children at the end of every Sunday Mass which is designed to teach them the joy that comes from giving financially to the Lord and to his Church. Once the bottle is filled, which at my last parish usually took somewhere between two to three months, we will count it, and then announce to the entire congregation just how much your children helped us in supporting the many children’s ministries here at Saint Francis.
Parents, your children are the future of the Church, and here at Saint Francis, we want them to know that they are an important and vital part of our faith community. God bless you for helping us teach your children just how special they are.
Father Mel Bessellieu, Parochial Vicar