But how do we live this out? How do we become and stay missionary disciples? Our mission at St. Francis of Assisi isn’t changing, but the way we talk about it is. After prayer and discernment, we are excited to announce our new way of explaining and living the path of Christian Discipleship here at St. Francis: Receive • Remain • Proclaim.
These three words highlight in a very real way what Jesus calls us to in the Scripture, especially through the parable of the True Vine. It is only when we Receive His love, Remain in His love, and then ProclaimHis love to the ends of the earth that we truly live out the call to Missionary Discipleship. For Jesus says at the end of the True Vine parable (John 15:11):Jesus called the 12 Apostles (and each of us, by virtue of our Baptism and Confirmation) “and He sent them to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal” (Luke 9:2). In order to serve others, we must care for their physical and spiritual needs, Proclaiming this Good News of great joy to each one and inviting them into the lifelong journey of seeking the Lord. By this we will bear fruit, glorify our Heavenly Father and have complete joy.
As our path of Christian discipleship nurtures us, we must respond to His call to Proclaim the Kingdom of God through our words and deeds, inviting others to also receive His love and joy.