All married couples of St. Francis are invited to join the St. Francis Marriage Sponsor Ministry. As a Marriage Sponsor Couple you have the opportunity to share in the preparation process for Engaged Couples who are aspiring to the Sacrament of Matrimony. We become partners with the Priest / Deacon / Staff in creating the journey to the understanding of the vocation of Marriage. St. John Paul II said that “the Catholic Church must do more to encourage lasting marriages. While many couples today have a clear understanding of the secular nature of marriage, some appear to lack a proper understanding of the intrinsically religious dimension of this covenant. Modern society rarely pays heed to the permanent nature of marriage. In fact, the attitude toward marriage found in contemporary culture demands that the church seek to offer better premarital instruction.”
Definition of a “Sponsor Couple”
A married couple trained to assist a couple preparing for marriage by helping them reflect upon the realities of married life.
As a married couple we ask you to share your time and relationship with an Engaged Couple. Your life and experience become a sign and example to the other couple. Your life is the fundamental preparation for the ministry that we are asking you to join. Most Marriage Sponsor Couples find the experience not only adds to the Engaged Couple’s preparation but also strengthens their love for each other. You show Christ in the married vocation and family life in a world that does not see the value of committed love and the possibilities for sanctity in living God’s command to love one another.
Training Required
Are we qualified to teach Engaged Couples about marriage?
The first and foremost point is that our lives and our married vocation are the experience and credentials that we bring to this ministry. This is what the Holy Spirit uses. The Prophet Jeremiah did not think he was equipped to speak God’s truth. God told him that He placed His words in Jeremiah’s mouth; “Have no fear“. Each of you has had experiences that left you with this wonder. It is important to understand that this is God’s Ministry and we are His instruments. We do not carry the burden of achievement and success. You are already prepared for this ministry! However, you are not alone. We provide you with process manuals, meeting outlines, activities and workbooks that will guide you through each meeting that you have with the Engaged Couple. We will train you in the use of the materials and are always willing to offer any assistance that you may need in developing the relationship with your couple. As you participate in the program you will come to understand that these manuals and programs are only peripheral to your mission. Your experience and relationship will be what the couple will treasure and take away from the encounter. You are like the credit card in your pocket: you are ready and all you need to do is make a phone call to be activated.
Time Commitment
What is the time commitment required of us?
We are all busy people. Most couples inquiring about this ministry think in terms of meeting a schedule of some kind. They are more interested when they hear that they schedule their own sessions; around their own schedule; in their own homes; with the Engaged Couples they sponsor. We usually have a three-month time period to accomplish the five Sponsor meetings. It is like having a job that you can do from home.
For more information or to join the team, contact the parish office.